Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Assignment 2


I found a photo of a waterfall in the net and used it as my waterfall. I applied the texture to a plane and let it 
move in the Y axis.



As for the smoke, I did it in houdini and export it to make it into sprite atlas. I placed the smoke at the start
of the game , just below of the bridge and on top of the water fall just below the clouds. Waterfall usually produce a mist that is why I placed it at the start and at the end of it.

This is a reference picture of  waterfall mist.


For rainbow, I searched in the net for a nice photo of a rainbow but couldn't find one which 
is how I wanted. So i took the best looking photo of a rainbow I can find and used it
in photo shop to tilt it to the right. After which I export the rainbow to after effects and 
animate it to move from the bottom left to right. 
Then I export it to houdini and make it into sprite atlas.


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Assignment 2

So, for my smoke effects, I'm planning to either record a few second of video, import it in after effects and take a photo of each frame. This top photo which i uploaded is an example of how my smoke will be. After I get the smoke photos I will make it into a sprite atlas, just like how I was thought to do in class.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Assignment 2

For the 3 effects that we're supposed to do individually, I'm planning to try to do a pyroBlast and water effect.

The third effect I'm going to do is smoke effect.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

This is the background for our game that i roughly did. It's not finalise yet.